" And indeed, you are of a great moral character." (Quran, 68:4)
Author: Ahmed Deedat
The author said in his introduction: This work comprises a short introduction to the history of the Quran, its recording and its collection. The reader may therefore be puzzled as to why one third of the material in this book tackles the Old Testament (OT) and the New Testament (NT), wondering what significance this has on the Quran’s history. This significance shall, I hope, be made clear as the chapters progress, since I have attempted to present only those details which have a direct bearing on the current subject matter.
Author: Muhammad Mustafa A'zami
The Month of Safar in Jahiliyyah and in Islam.
Author: Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid
Publisher: https://www.islamqa.com - Islam : Question & Answer Website
Various Prohibitions regarding Speech.
Publisher: Islamic Propagation Office in Rabwah
Rulings regarding Eid and some common errors relating to it.
Author: Abdul-Muhsin Bin Hamad Al-Abbad Al-Badir
Publisher: https://www.islamweb.net - Islam Web Website
Translated from the original Arabic into English, provides a vivid insight into the moral conduct of the early Muslims in a society led by the perfect character of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ('I was only sent to perfect good character'). The Prophet's Companions represent excellent examples of men of vigorous moral stature whose conduct inspired and attracted the masses to the fold of Islam wherever they went during the expansion of the Muslim territories, and contrary to the stereotypic portrayal, in the West, of Islam as being spread by the sword.
Author: Muhammad ibn Ismaeel al-Bukhari