Explanation of all the surahs of the 30th chapter of the Quran: in a very simple and informative way, the Shaikh Explain the surahs of the 30th chapter of the Quran, starting with Surah An-Naba' and ending with An-Nas.
Author: Imam Ibn Kathir
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: International Islamic Publishing House
The author said in his introduction, “There are hundreds of benefits associated with Dhikr, the act of rehearsing and celebrating the praises of Allah. The well-known medieval scholar Ibn Al-Qaiyim mentioned more than seventy of these in his book Kitabul-Adhkar. Among the benefits he mentioned were that Dhikr drives away Satan, pleases Allah, the Merciful, and replaces pain and sorrow of the heart with peace happiness and contentment.”
Author: Saeed Bin Ali Bin Wahf Al-Qahtani
Translators: Omar Johnstone
This Small treatise brings to light many amazing and intricate points of benefit with regard to knowledge and discerning between which of its types are beneficial and non-beneficial. The Prophet praised some forms of knowledge while condemning others, at times he would ask Allah to grant him beneficial knowledge while at other times he would seek refuge in Him from non-beneficial knowledge.
Author: Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Translators: Mahmoud Reda Morad Abu Romaisah
This is an exquisite collection of incidents from the life of the Prophet (Peace be upon Him), stories from our Islamic Heritage, and thought-provoking anecdotes from the life of the author. The aim of the book is to train the reader to enjoy living his life by practicing various self-development and inter-personal skills. What is so compelling and inspiring about this book is that, in order to highlight the benefit of using social skills, the author draws from the lives of the Prophet (Peace be upon Him) and his Companions. This book is both a practical systematic guide to self-improvement and a treasure trove of historical incidents. It increases self-awareness, whilst nurturing the soul and strengthening the spirit.
Author: Muhammad Bin AbdulRahman Al-Areefi
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Effects of fornication upon the self and society
Author: Muhammad ibn Ibraheem al-Hamad
Publisher: Daar Al-Watan
A reference that simplified all matters pertaining to the fast and Ramadan in this short and concise treatise.
Author: Muhammad ibn Saleh al-Othaimeen
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: A website Islamic Library www.islamicbook.ws