A proof that the Qur'an is from God and that Muhammad is a Messenger of God.
Author: The Memphis Dawah Team
Publisher: Memphis Dawah
The author said in his introduction, “There are hundreds of benefits associated with Dhikr, the act of rehearsing and celebrating the praises of Allah. The well-known medieval scholar Ibn Al-Qaiyim mentioned more than seventy of these in his book Kitabul-Adhkar. Among the benefits he mentioned were that Dhikr drives away Satan, pleases Allah, the Merciful, and replaces pain and sorrow of the heart with peace happiness and contentment.”
Author: Saeed Bin Ali Bin Wahf Al-Qahtani
Translators: Omar Johnstone
A small treatise concern knowledge & scholars, its importance & merits.
Author: Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz
Publisher: https://www.al-hidaayah.co.uk - Al-Hidaayah Publishing and Distribution Website
How did the Quran Narrated the stories of the messengers and prophets from Adam to Muhammad, and the Quran had explained in detail the story of Jesus peace up on them.
Author: Munqith ibn Mahmood As-Saqqar
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
The Promised Prophet of the Bible
Author: Munqith ibn Mahmood As-Saqqar
This book is a must for every Imam and anyone who expects to give Friday sermons in the English speaking world. The sermons contained in this book are collected from the sermons of Prophet Muhammad (S) himself, his companions and various prominent scholars. The sermons are both educational and heart moving, therefore fulfilling the goal of the Friday sermon. Every Muslim who attends the Friday congregational prayer wants to have his faith increased with inspirational and encouraging exhortations, and at the same time be sure that the information that he is receiving is Islamically correct. Thus, we present this collection of sermons in hopes that it will assist the reader in delivering quality religious speeches, thereby fulfilling the obligation of the Friday sermon in the best manner. May Allah grant us success.