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  • Know the Prophet

    Know the Prophet: is a collection of articles by different students of knowledge like Shaikh Yusuf Estes, Salah As-Sawi and others. It describe the biography of Prophet Muhammad

    Publisher: https://www.al-jumuah.com - Al-Jumuah Magazine Website

    Source: https://www.islamhouse.com/p/75591


  • Fiqh Made Easy

    In this work, the world- renowned scholar of comparative fiqh, Dr. Saalih al-Sadlaan of Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University discusses the most important issues of fiqh. In this work, the author has done an excellent job of concisely mentioning the most important aspects of the different fiqh topics he discussed. Furthermore, he has discussed many issues that are not greatly discussed in the English literature, such as the rules concerning bequests and endowments. Hence, this work was chosen to be translated as a welcomed addition to the available English literature.

    Translators: Jamaal Zarabozo

    Source: https://www.islamhouse.com/p/207459


  • Difficult Dawah Questions

    A very important book talks about some misconceptions about Islam such as: allowing husbands to beat their wives, punishments by Islam for the criminals, not allowing religious freedom which is considered intolerance, prohibiting music, and terrorism in the name of jihad.

    Source: https://www.islamhouse.com/p/318422


  • The Islamic Ruling on Tawassul

    The permissible and prohibited types of waseelah

    Publisher: Daar Al-Watan

    Source: https://www.islamhouse.com/p/1297


  • Know the Prophet

    Know the Prophet: is a collection of articles by different students of knowledge like Shaikh Yusuf Estes, Salah As-Sawi and others. It describe the biography of Prophet Muhammad

    Publisher: https://www.al-jumuah.com - Al-Jumuah Magazine Website

    Source: https://www.islamhouse.com/p/75591


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